Friday, July 6, 2012

The Ariport

Well, I'm finally on my way! I'm currently sitting in DIA waiting to board my flight. My itinerary says I will have 20 hours of air fun fun. Everyone keeps asking me if I'm scared to be going to such an extreme part of the world, and I have always replied "No, I'm just excited." Sitting here now 20 hours away from my destination, I am starting to feel the nerves.

After all of my months of preparation for this trip, I will finally get so see if I am cut out for this traveling  lifestyle. I have been dutifully reading up on Indian customs, dress, food, and language. worn previous travelers out with my constant questioning. I have read almost every book on India I could find in the library. I have even been practicing my Hindi with the help of Google Translate and handy phrase book. I feel as though I am prepared, although I know when I get there I will realize that no one can be prepared for the amount of culture shock I will experience.

I am wondering what New Delhi will have in store for me, and how I will be able to practice  what I have learned in Anthropology. I planned to use this trip as a test for my future job, however just being a pilgrim and taking in the whole experience will be satisfying as well.

I'm such a bundle of nerves and excitement sitting here. All I can say is, ready or not India bring me what you got!

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