Monday, August 13, 2012

Closing Time

I don’t really know what to say as I’m sitting here in theairport leaving this amazing country full of beautiful people. I feel like Ijust got here and now it’s already time to go. I was just getting adjusted,finding my way around, and making friends.
There are things I will definitely not miss, such as thepollution of the city, the Monsoon and messes it creates, the men and theirissues, having a total of 80 mosquito bites on my body, and being sick from thefood. But these are things every traveler experiences when exposed to anotherculture. The difference is that there are only certain types of people who canhandle India with its poverty, human rights, environment, and health hazards. Thiscountry may be developing and have its issues, but there is something about itthat is very special and dear to me.
I can see now that there is no way I can just come once toIndia. I will miss the compassion of the people, the beauty of all the colors,the music everywhere, and even the food. I will especially miss the friends Ihave made while I’m here. My roommates were awesome and my classmates havebecome great friends. I have learned so much while here about religion, people,culture, and life. I can’t stop learning about India now after I just started!
This trip has definitely opened up my eyes to what my futurejob experiences may be like. I am more confident now that I can handle theculture shock of a new place and put my western lens aside to see the beauty ofa culture(s) hidden in a country full of economic disparity and,caste/religious inequality. I have seen the life that I would be living foryears at a time and I think I am up to the challenge. I know that choosing thispath of life will strain me emotionally, I will leave friends/family behind,and may be forfeiting love and children; but traveling is something I was bornto do! I can tell that this is what my life is supposed to be and I am meant tobe an anthropologist. My choice will have its consequences but I could seemyself giving up these dreams and resenting it in the future. I only have onelife, and I’m lucky enough to have the power to do what I will with it. 
I am horribly sad to leave this place, but I know it hasplanted a seed in my heart which will bring me back someday. That is somethingI need to hold on to when I come back to U.S. and begin to have reverse cultureshock. I know I will see my home with a new lens now, I’m not sure it’s a goodthing, but all I can do is try to remember my experiences here in Matt Bharat,Mother India.


  1. I am so happy to know that you are doing something you absolutely love. Reading about this journey has been amazing, and I hope I continue to hear more as you continue on this path. :)

  2. :) Thank you Cassie! I definitely will! I know now what I'm born to do, and I'm sure I won't be able to stop.
